Below are the links to my first pass at routes for a ride to DTI. Aussie Bob has looked at them and has issues with my routes from Cincinnati to South of Pittsburgh. These need a better look. I'm putting the routes out now so we can talk specifics.  If you note most routes end at an obvious motel. The only one that looks problematic to me is Confluence where there are several B&B's but no traditional motels. The last day is in a campground but they have cabins.   The day numbers are riding days. I expect we'll put a rest day in about day 6 or 7. I still plan to do a Crazyguy journal but not till next week at the earliest.

Bruce 9/21/18

Attached are three files that detail the plans for the Great Cacapon Caper, AKA, Ride to DTI. 
If you usually download routes directly from the Ride With GPS website, those links are in the overall plan file.  I'll be taking my laptop to update the Crazyguy site and probably can also download the routes to your gps from my laptop if needed. If you want a printed cue sheet, print them out before we leave. I will have a copy of all in a folder for keeping in the sag van and one set for myself. About 80% of the route is on trails so the cyclists should be fine.  The Sag vehicle may have difficulty finding the sag switch points. I've tried to assure there is a road to the sag switch points but no absolute guarantee.
Don't count on always having cell service. 
I will set up a Phone tracker group for us to all join so that when we do have cell service we can see each other's location. My experience has been that the phone tracker service sometimes works when there is insufficient signal for voice.

Bruce 9/16/18

From: bruce Sent: September 4, 2018

Attached (below) is a PDF file with the final plan. Final till something else comes up. As always we use the Aussie Bob principle of planning in great detail and implement with great flexibility. Driving Sag will be complicated by not being able to follow the route most of the time. In some cases I expect the cyclists to arrive before the SAG, both from having to drive much greater distances or getting lost. I'm assuming Tom can put the sag stop coordinates into his Garmin Nuvi and teach us how to use it. Ross and Tom did that on the Cullman loop to great advantage. The suggested stops are placed as points of interest on the Ride With GPS routes.

Also note We each owe Tom $120 for gasoline. The formula used to estimate the cost is on the spreadsheet but here it is also. Cycling miles x2 plus to and from miles. Assume 15 mpg, gasoline $3/gal divided by three people. The person furnishing the vehicle does not contribute to gasoline.

I've the augmented cues to do an place some of these files on the Crazyguy site but am relieved to have the actual planning finally done.
Please look these over for sanity. I've tried to incorporate individual requests but when juggling many factors can easily screw up.

Bruce 9/4/18


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