Just FYI

From: David Shumaker Sent: August 7, 2018
I have talked to three persons about our upcoming tours.  Dan Beyer declined because of knee problems.  Charlie Opferman (my cousin in Milwaukee) can not this year because of work.  He may retire next year and is very interested in the Lake Champlain ride.  Sharad is working also.  But he is interested if his work allows.  I will keep both Charlie and Sharad in the loop for both rides. 

I also talked to DTI and invited him to join us for the entire tour up to his house.  I said he could ride or not as much as he wished.  His only obligation would be to have lots of ice cream and beer.  Right now he is totally consumed with preparing for his U Haul van move to his chalet.  But when he is more relaxed afterwards hopefully we can sway him to come along and ride as much or little as he wants.  


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