Side Trip - Columbus

From: David Shumaker Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 4:51 PM


For your consideration, we can change the Day 7 route at mile 47 and divert north on the Olentangy Trail to OSU and then ride through the campus that I remember including where I was on the Oval Nov 22, 1963 at approximately 1: 50 PM (Eastern) when I learned President Kennedy was shot.  This excursion is about 5 miles.  Then I suggest the SAG van meet us at the student union and we then SAG to our hotel in East Columbus.  Saturday, Sept 29 the football game is away at Penn State.  So that day or Sunday, Sept 30 is probably better for trying to get through Columbus.  If we go through Columbus the following week then Sunday is best to avoid the home game on Saturday.  Below is a link to the revised route.  This would reduce the mileage that day from 59 to 52 total.  


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